Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 8/18/2024

See the current schedule, information about paying fees, and opportunities to volunteer and help out the band.

Schedule for the Week

Monday, August 19: Freshman Orientation Pep Rally, 11am-12pm
Monday, August 19: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45pm-9pm
Thursday, August 22: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45pm-9pm
Saturday, August 24: Fall Sports Kick-Off, 8:15-10am

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

Thank you so much to all the students, parents, and staff who helped make band camp a success! It was an incredible week, and you should be very proud of all the work you’ve done! 

Marching Band students: please write in your sets into your music for parts 2 and 3. This will help a lot for putting the rest of the show together!

The Marching Band has been asked to play at the Freshman Orientation Pep Rally this Monday! Sophomore, Junior, and Senior marchers, we need you for a great performance to welcome the new Titans! We will do a quick warm-up at 11am in the band room. We should be done with the pep rally by 12pm. Please let me know if you are not able to attend. All freshman marchers should attend the pep rally and other orientation events as scheduled. 

On Saturday, the Band will be performing at the Fall Sports Kick-Off! We will start rehearsal at 8:15am in the band room. The anticipated end time is 10am. Please wear Blue & Gold (your GBS Band T-Shirt is perfect for this)!

Lockers will be available for use starting this week. If you plan on using your locker, you must bring a lock. If you are renting an instrument from the school, it is not allowed to be in a locker without a lock. 

You can find the full tentative season schedule here. Please note that dates and times are subject to change. Any changes in the schedule will be communicated via eblast as soon as possible. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

Still Need to Pay Marching Band Fees?

Please ask your student for the fee sheet that was given to them when they were fitted for their uniform.
If your student has a leadership position, please make sure that the line item “GBSIL Band Polo” is checked – the cost is $26.

Payment can be made
via check payable to GBSIL and dropped off in the mail box in Mr. Boron’s office,
or via Venmo:
@GBSIL-Band2023 (code 0850)
Please indicate your student’s name in the Notes field so we can apply the fees to the correct student.

Chaperones & Equipment Crew Help Needed

GBS Home Football Games
The 1st football game is Friday, 9/6!!

We need every family’s participation throughout the year. 

Chaperones: Help with uniforms, water distribution, and crowd control.

Equipment Crew: Move equipment on/off the field for the performance.

Click here to sign up!

First Competition of the Year

Saturday, 9/14: Wheeling Chicagoland Marching Band Competition

No experience needed! Exact call times TBD.

Chaperones: Ride & take attendance on buses, help with uniforms, water distribution & basic first aid.  Help with equipment if needed.

Equipment: Be there for final run through at GBS, load/unload equipment from trucks, drive trucks to competition site, move equipment on/off the field for the performance.

Click here to sign up!


2024 Full Tentative Marching Band Schedule
Click here