Announcements Jazz Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 3/2/2025

Jazz band trip rehearsals start this week.

Schedule for the Week

Tuesday, March 4: Band Student Council Meeting, 3:15-4pm
Tuesday, March 4: Trip Jazz Rehearsal, 4-6pm
Tuesday, March 4: Chipotle (by Target) Fundraiser, 4-8pm
Thursday, March 6: Trip Jazz Rehearsal, 4-5:30pm
Thursday, March 6: Jazz Lab/Ensemble Rehearsal, 5:30-6:30pm

Director’s Notes!

Hello Band Families!

Trip preparation is beginning this week! The first rehearsal is this Tuesday at 4pm. Music will be handed out at rehearsal. You can find the full jazz schedule for March here. There is a mandatory trip meeting on March 11th at 8pm in the GBS west cafeteria. You’ll be receiving your final itinerary and meeting your chaperones at this meeting. 

Our concert is coming up on March 13th at 7pm. Call times will be finalized next week. On March 11th, from 3:20-3:55pm, Concert Band and Symphonic Band will be doing a combined rehearsal in preparation for the concert.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band

Chipotle Fundraiser

Tuesday, March 4, 4:00-8:00 p.m.
2341 Willow Road, Glenview
25% of event sales get donated to the band
Mention the band fundraiser; for online orders, use this code: 68HMGJ9

Save the Date

Spring Break Trip Meeting – 3/11 at 8pm
Spring Band Concert – 3/13 at 7pm
Trivia Night – 4/25
Glenview Concert Band Anniversary Concert – 4/27 at 3pm
Band Banquet – 5/27