Announcements Marching Band

Band Camp, Volunteering, Parent Meeting & Fees

Director’s Notes

Band camp is here! We’re looking forward to officially starting our marching band season, so get a good night’s sleep and remember to hydrate!

There will be a different spirit day each day of band camp. You can see all the spirit days here.

If you would like to volunteer to help set up for Monday’s rehearsal, the band room will be open starting at 9:30am. There will be a lot to do, and all volunteers are greatly appreciated!

Please remember that if you cannot be at rehearsals, make sure you email Mr. Boron, Mr. Krejci, and your section leader as soon as possible. If you are a color guard member, please email Mr. Wiles as well. Same goes for percussionists to email Mr. Vilches, Mr. Hughey, and Mr. Peterson.

Information for Band Camp

Band camp is one of the most important weeks for the marching band every year. We spend a lot of time together learning the show and all about the fundamentals of marching. It is crucial that all participants are present and prepared for rehearsals. Band camp runs Monday through Friday from 12:45pm until 9:00pm. There will be a demonstration and performance Friday evening (time is TBD).

• Remember to check the weather every day and dress appropriately. Please assume we will be outside unless there is significant rain.
• Remember to wear sunscreen and bring extra so you can reapply throughout the day, and pack bug spray for the evening.
• A hat and sunglasses are highly recommended since we will be outdoors, mostly in the parking lot. In the past, people have also brought cooling towels.
• Please bring a refillable water bottle so you can stay hydrated all day. While we are learning drill, you will be allowed to have your water bottle with you on the field.
• Dinner will be served at approximately 5:00pm. During the dinner break, students will not be allowed to leave campus. If you are bringing your own food, please know that refrigeration will not be available.

This is going to be an exciting band camp and a great marching band season! I, along with the entire band staff, look forward to seeing everything you will do during the season!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!
Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Band Camp Volunteers

We are still in need of chaperones this week. We have some additional slots for help with uniform fittings as well. Please help fill out the volunteer roster! Sign up at Band Camp SignUpGenius

All Parent Meeting 8/12 at 6:30pm

Mark your calendars and plan to join us in the band room on Friday evening. You will get details on plans, events and needs for the band year. You may also pay your student’s band fees (see below). Afterwards, we will move to the stadium so our students can demonstrate all they have accomplished through the week of band camp!

Uniforms and Band Fees

Please see our web page,, for a description of fees. This year, fees will be due at or before the parent meeting on Friday, August 12. Payment may be made by check (made out to GBSIL) or Venmo (GBSIL-Band).

Students will be fitted for uniforms during the week of band camp. Afterwards, they will receive an individual fee sheet listing program fees and any costs for additional uniform items needed (shoes, polo shirt and/or tux shirt for concert attire). When submitting payment, please note student’s name and “fees” in the memo field.

Meal Payments Overdue
If you ordered meals during band camp but haven’t submitted your payment, please do so ASAP. Venmo @GBSIL-Band (code 1551) or put checks in the band mailbox on Monday. Please note student’s name and “meals” on either form of payment.

Announcements Marching Band

Fall 2022 Show Announced

We are excited to announce this year’s marching band show! Inspired by our band family, this year’s show is based on the nostalgia of coming home and being part of a community. You can find the musical selections in the links below.

Morning Glow from Pippin
Home by Zero 7
New World Symphony by Dvorak
Home from The Wiz

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director, 847-486-4437