Schedule for the Week
Monday: Concert/Symphonic Band Rehearsal, 3:30-4:30pm
Monday: Symphonic Winds Rehearsal with Glenview Concert Band, 7:30-7:45pm
Wednesday: Noodles & Co. Fundraiser, 4:00-8:00pm
Friday: Titan Band Dress Rehearsal, 3:30-4:30pm
Friday: Concert/Symphonic Band Dress Rehearsal, 4:30-5:30pm
Saturday: Holiday Bazaar, 10:00am-5:00pm
Sunday: Winter Concert, 3:00pm (call times below)
Director’s Notes
Congratulations to the Marching Titans on a great performance at the Glenview Holiday Parade yesterday! What a great way to start the holiday season! Thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped make this performance happen!
The Holiday Bazaar Fundraiser is this Saturday! We will need small groups to sign up to perform and volunteer throughout the day! The sign-up sheet is posted in the band room on the auditorium doors.
Please join us for our Winter Concert on December 4th at 3:00pm in the Norman E. Watson Auditorium. All bands will be performing, and we will also be treated to a performance from the Glenview Concert Band. The concert will end with a combined piece performed by the Glenview Concert Band and Symphonic Winds. We hope you can join us! The call times are as follows- please be on stage, ready to warm up at the following times:
1:00pm- Symphonic Winds
1:40pm- Concert/Symphonic Band
2:10pm- Titan Band
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437
Volunteers Needed for Holiday Bazaar!
Please sign up for a shift here. We need everyone’s help to make this event a success! There are slots for set-up help on Friday 12/2 before the event and throughout the day on Saturday 12/3.
Noodles Fundraiser Nov. 30
Mark your calendars, save the date, spread the word! Noodles for dinner on November 30th will support band programs at GBS. Order between 4:00 and 8:00pm in person or online (enter Giving25 under coupon code before checkout) and 25% of sales will benefit GBSIL.
Wrapping Paper and Accessories Needed
We are accepting donations of wrapping paper, ribbons, bows and tape for our wrapping station at the Holiday Bazaar. There is a box in the band room or you can drop it off at Laura Ashley’s house at 240 N Branch Rd, Glenview.
Holiday Bazaar
Dec. 3: Spread the Word!
Please invite your family, friends and neighbors!