Schedule for the Week
Tuesday, March 11: Concert Band/Symphonic Band Rehearsal, 3:20-3:55pm
Tuesday, March 11: Trip Jazz Rehearsal, 4-6pm
Tuesday, March 11: Trip Meeting, 8pm in West Cafeteria
Thursday, March 13: Trip Jazz Rehearsal, 4-5pm
Thursday, March 13: March Band Concert, 7pm (call times below)
Saturday, March 15: Spring Sports Kickoff (Marching Band Students Only), 8:30am-10:30am
Director’s Notes
Hello Band Families!
It’s a big week for the trip! We have rehearsal on Tuesday and Thursday. There is also a mandatory trip meeting on Tuesday at 8pm in the GBS west cafeteria. If you are going on the trip, you should have received an email with the permission and medical forms. Please bring those to the meeting with you. Additionally, at this meeting, you’ll be receiving your final itinerary and meeting your chaperones at this meeting.
Our concert is this Thursday at 7pm! We will be joined by the Maple Symphonic Band! On Tuesday, from 3:20-3:55pm, Concert Band and Symphonic Band will be doing a combined rehearsal in preparation for the concert.
Here are the call times for each group:
Symphonic Winds – 5:30pm
Symphonic-Concert Band – 5:55pm
Titan Band – 6:15pm
Please feel free to contact me with any questions!
One Band, One Family!
Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437
FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band
Did you know? Everyday purchases like groceries, gas, dining out, coffee, and online shopping can contribute to covering your band student’s fees and trips. Each year, band students have fees of $225 plus any trip fees, such as the upcoming jazz band trip to DC or last year’s trip to Orlando. The band itself has expenses for the marching band show and music.
GBS Band is now working with a company called RaiseRight. It is a program where you can buy gift cards to use as payment for everyday expenses and shop online through RaiseRight. Every gift card purchase and online purchase earns up to 20% rebate back! Plus with the mobile app and instant access to your eGift card and reload purchases, you can buy gift cards and shop online through RaiseRight anytime, anywhere.
We are fortunate to have a band parent who works at RaiseRight. I also work with a woman whose daughter is a senior at Mount Prospect and they use RaiseRight. I feel comfortable recommending this method to raise money for the band and for your student’s band fees.
I have been trying out Raise Right. Here are three examples of how I have used RaiseRight to raise money towards my son’s band fees.
– I went to REI and found a few things to purchase. While waiting in the checkout line, I purchased an e-gift card for myself. I used that e-gift card right away to pay for my items and earned an 8% rebate.
– I purchased Starbucks e-gift cards for my kids who are away at college. I earned a 4.5% rebate and the gift cards were emailed to them directly.
– I am about to buy more pet food for my dog and cat. I can order through Chewy, PetSmart or Petco. Using Chewy as an example, I will click on Chewy from the RaiseRight website. Normally that would earn me 2% rebate, but right now there is a special to earn 4% for going to their website. Then I can pay for the food with an e-gift card and earn an additional 5% on my order.
For the rebates that are earned through RaiseRight, 75% will go into your child’s band account. The remaining 25% will support the band program.
See the attached flyer for more details. To get started, click here to enroll or contact me, fellow band parent Lauren Bauerschmidt at for more information.
Save the Date
Please save the date for these upcoming events.
More details to follow!
Spring Break Trip Meeting – 3/11 at 8pm
Spring Band Concert – 3/13 at 7pm
Trivia Night – 4/25
Glenview Concert Band Anniversary Concert – 4/27 at 3pm
Band Banquet – 5/27