Announcements Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 2/4/2024

Schedule for the Week:

Monday, February 5-Friday, February 9: V-Show Pit Rehearsal, 3:30-5pm
Thursday, February 8: Pep Band, 6pm call time, 7pm game

Director’s Notes! Hello Band Families!

This time of year, the band puts in a ton of work- concert prep, V-Show pit, V-Show acts, pep band- and all of that is on top of their other classwork. I’m so proud of all of our students and how they manage all their commitments. Students- you’re doing a great job! Keep up the fantastic work you’re doing!

V-Show pit had a great first full week of rehearsals! We are continuing this week! Keep an eye on the google classroom for any updates to the schedule. The full pit schedule can be found here

This week is also our final pep band performance of the year! The themes will be announced by the drum majors and section leaders.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

V-Show Tickets

Please come support all the talented GBS students in this year’s
Variety Show.

Tickets are on sale now at

Show dates/times:
Wednesday, 2/21 – 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, 2/22 – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, 2/23 – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, 2/24 – 2:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.

Pep Band Schedule

Click here!

Announcements Jazz Band Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 1/21/2024

Schedule for the Week:

Monday, January 22: V-Show Pit Rehearsal, 3:30-5pm
Monday, January 22: Pep Band, 6pm call time, 7pm game
Tuesday, January 23: Jazz Cafe, 7pm performance time
Friday, January 26: Pep Band, 4:30pm call time, 5:30pm game, 7pm game

Director’s Notes!

Hello Band Families!

The first V-Show Pit rehearsal is tomorrow! There will be a lot of information discussed and lots of music will be handed out. If you have a conflict, please email me as soon as possible. The full pit schedule can be found here.

The Jazz Cafe is Tuesday! You can support the band through the silent auction and hear a great performance from the Jazz Lab and Jazz Ensemble! You can win a lot of great prizes, including parking for next school year!

We also have three pep band performances this week, including a double-header on Friday! The themes will be announced by the drum majors and section leaders.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!


Jazz Cafe
Volunteers Needed!! 

Volunteers needed on 1/23!!
Please sign up here!

Refreshments items needed!!
Please sign up here!

Pep Band Schedule

Click here!

Announcements Concert Band Jazz Band Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 1/7/2024

Schedule for the Week:

Thursday, January 11: Jazz Band Rehearsal, 4:30-7:30pm
Friday, January 12: Pep Band, 6pm Call Time, 7pm Game
Friday, Jan. 12 – Saturday, Jan. 13: North Shore Honor Band (select students only)

Director’s Notes!

Hello Band Families!

Welcome back! I hope you had a relaxing break! It’s time to finish out the semester and get ready for a lot of music in the spring!

We have two more jazz band rehearsals until our first performance on January 23rd in the Jazz Cafe! Mark your calendars- this is also a fundraiser and auction where you can win great prizes!

We have pep band this Friday. Themes will be announced by drum majors and section leaders this week! This Friday and Saturday, we will also have students participating in the North Shore Honor Band Festival at Lake Forest High School. An email with more information will be going out directly to those students. 

V-Show is coming up! The pit schedule can be found here. If you are signed up for Pit, you need to be at the full cast meeting on the 17th. We will begin rehearsals the following Monday. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

Jazz Cafe Volunteers Needed!! 
Sign Up Coming Soon!!


GBSIL is looking for donations to be auctioned off at the Jazz Cafe Silent Auction on Tuesday, January 23rd. 

Desired items including but not limited to:  tickets to sports or cultural events around town, gift cards to local businesses, clothing, art, and/or travel or vacation home rentals – anything likely to draw bids at auction. 

In addition, or as an alternative to donated items for the auction, we are asking that you consider making a cash donation to help fund GBS’s growing and thriving band programs.    



Auction items donation deadline: January 16th

Contact Laura Ashley at
if you have any items to donate or if you have any questions. 
Thank you so much!

Pep Band Schedule
Click here!

Announcements Concert Band Jazz Band Pep Band Uncategorized

GBS Band Weekly Update 12/3/2023

Schedule for the Week

Monday, December 4: Symphonic Winds at Glenview Concert Band, 7:30-8:00PM

Tuesday, December 5: Chipotle Fundraiser (2341 Willow Rd/by Target) – 4:00-8:00pm (see flyer below)

Thursday, December 7: Concert Band/Symphonic Band Dress Rehearsal, 3:30-4:00pm

Thursday, December 7: Jazz Lab Rehearsal, 4:00-5:00pm

Thursday, December 7: Jazz Ensemble Rehearsal, 5:00-6:00pm

Friday, December 8: Pep Band, 4:30pm Call Time, 5:30pm and 7:00pm Games

Sunday, December 10: Winter Concert, 3:00pm (call times below)

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

It’s concert week! Please join us on December 10th at 3:00pm in the Norman E. Watson Auditorium at Glenbrook South! The concert will feature the Glenbrook South Bands and the Glenview Concert Band! Call times on stage are as follows:

Symphonic Winds- 1:25pm (you will have time to get in concert dress following warm-up
Symphonic/Concert Bands- 1:50pm (in concert attire by the start of warm-up)
Titan Band- 2:15pm (in concert attire by the start of warm-up)

Our jazz band schedule is altered for this week. We will be back to our regular schedule next week.

Our first pep band games are this week! This Friday is our first double-header! Remember to bring cash for concessions during your breaks! The pep band schedule is available here! Please note that we have two double-headers this season. 

Our marching band banner has arrived! If you were part of the marching band this season, make sure you sign the banner this week! Once everyone has signed, it will be hung up in the band room to commemorate our incredible season! 

V-Show auditions are coming up! If you would like to reserve the band room to practice for your audition, contact Mr. Boron! Time slots are reserved on a first come first served basis.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

Restaurant Fundraiser This Week

Wednesday, 12/5 – 4-8 p.m.
2341 Willow Rd. location only!!  (by Target)
Mention the GBS Instrumental League or use code H8BVMAX when ordering.

Winter Band Concert

Sunday, 12/10 – 3:00 p.m.
in the Auditorium

Scents of Soy Candle Fundraiser

45% of all sales go to fund your Florida trip
Sale dates: 11/5-11/30

First ever candle fundraiser! A whopping 45% of all sales will go to your individual fundraising account.

Candles arrive in time for the holidays. GREAT gift idea. Who doesn’t love a fragrant candle?

Order forms & payment in full are due to the band room no later than
Friday, December 1st at 3:15 p.m.

Checks should be made out to GBS. If you receive cash, please keep it and make a check out to GBS.

Your customers can also order online. During checkout, ask them to use the drop down menu and click on “Glenbrook South Marching Band” and enter your name in the space provided. The website is here.

Please do not combine your payment with any other fundraiser. All funds need to be accounted for separately.

Brochures, order forms and scratch and sniff samples available in the band room.

Ask all your friends, family and neighbors. There is something for everyone in this catalog.

Click here for a PDF of the catalog.
Click here for a PDF of the order form.

Delivery: Orders will be available for pickup in mid-December.

Questions? Contact Tim Sewell,, 847-962-6884

Bonus! In addition to the 45%, you can also earn bonuses like Starbucks gift cards. Click here for more details! Have fun!

Fun Pasta Fundraiser

Complete instructions on how the fundraiser works can be found here.

Check out these YouTube videos for assistance:
How to set up the app: Click here.
Place app order: Click here.
Additional info: Click here.

For questions, please contact Laura Ashley:

Announcements Concert Band Jazz Band Marching Band Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 11/26/2023

Schedule for the Week:

Thursday, November 30: Jazz Rehearsal, 4:30-7:30pm

Director’s Notes!

Hello Band Families!

Thank you to everyone who performed and helped out at the Holiday Parade last night! What a fun way to kick off the holiday season! 

The pep band schedule is now available here! Please note that we have two double-headers this season. We’re looking forward to a fun basketball season and supporting the Titans!

Our marching band banner has arrived! If you were part of the marching band this season, make sure you sign the banner this week! Once everyone has signed, it will be hung up in the band room to commemorate our incredible season! 

Mark your calendars! The Winter Concert will be here in no time! Please join us on December 10th at 3:00pm in the Norman E. Watson Auditorium at Glenbrook South! The concert will feature the Glenbrook South Bands and the Glenview Concert Band!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

Restaurant Fundraiser

Our next restaurant fundraiser is on
Wednesday, 12/5 – 4-8 p.m.
2341 Willow Rd. location only!! 
(by Target)

See the flyer below for all the details! 

Winter Band Concert

Sunday, 12/10 – 3:00 p.m.
in the Auditorium

Scents of Soy Candle Fundraiser

45% of all sales go to fund your Florida trip
Sale dates: 11/5-11/30

First ever candle fundraiser! A whopping 45% of all sales will go to your individual fundraising account.

Candles arrive in time for the holidays. GREAT gift idea. Who doesn’t love a fragrant candle?

Order forms & payment in full are due to the band room no later than
Friday, December 1st at 3:15 p.m.

Checks should be made out to GBS. If you receive cash, please keep it and make a check out to GBS.

Your customers can also order online. During checkout, ask them to use the drop down menu and click on “Glenbrook South Marching Band” and enter your name in the space provided. The website is here.

Please do not combine your payment with any other fundraiser. All funds need to be accounted for separately.

Brochures, order forms and scratch and sniff samples available in the band room.

Ask all your friends, family and neighbors. There is something for everyone in this catalog.

Click here for a PDF of the catalog.
Click here for a PDF of the order form.

Delivery: Orders will be available for pickup in mid-December.

Questions? Contact Tim Sewell,, 847-962-6884

Bonus! In addition to the 45%, you can also earn bonuses like Starbucks gift cards. Click here for more details! Have fun!

Fun Pasta Fundraiser

Complete instructions on how the fundraiser works can be found here.

Check out these YouTube videos for assistance:
How to set up the app: Click here.
Place app order: Click here.
Additional info: Click here.

For questions, please contact Laura Ashley:

Announcements Marching Band Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 11/19/2023

Schedule for the Week:

Saturday, November 25: Glenview Holiday Parade, 3pm call time, 4pm parade

Director’s Notes!

Hello Band Families!

Congratulations to all of our students who performed in the GSO concert this afternoon! You did a wonderful job, and you should be very proud of the work you’ve done!

The Holiday Parade is this Saturday! The marching band will be performing down Glenview Road at 4:00pm. Call time is 3:00pm with a 3:10 rehearsal start time in the band room. Shakos can be substituted for a festive hat!

The pep band schedule is now available here! Please note that we have two double-headers this season. We’re looking forward to a fun basketball season and supporting the Titans!

Thank you to everyone who has helped make the first part of the year a great experience. I will be taking time this week to reflect on how thankful I am for the incredible band family we have at GBS. I hope you have a chance to rest and recharge with family and friends. Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving break!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

Glenview’s Holiday in the Park & Parade

Saturday, 11/25

We are looking for chaperones to assist students in this year’s parade.

Click here to sign up!!
Chaperone call time: 3:00 p.m.
Parade start time: 4:00 p.m.

Pep Band Schedule

Click here!

Student Fundraisers

Winter Wonderland products have arrived. 

Please contact Laura Ashley at
to set up a time to pick up your items.

Scents of Soy Candle Fundraiser

45% of all sales go to fund your Florida trip
Sale dates: 11/5-11/30

First ever candle fundraiser! A whopping 45% of all sales will go to your individual fundraising account.

Candles arrive in time for the holidays. GREAT gift idea. Who doesn’t love a fragrant candle?

Order forms & payment in full are due to the band room no later than
Friday, December 1st at 3:15 p.m.

Checks should be made out to GBS. If you receive cash, please keep it and make a check out to GBS.

Your customers can also order online. During checkout, ask them to use the drop down menu and click on “Glenbrook South Marching Band” and enter your name in the space provided. The website is here.

Please do not combine your payment with any other fundraiser. All funds need to be accounted for separately.

Brochures, order forms and scratch and sniff samples available in the band room.

Ask all your friends, family and neighbors. There is something for everyone in this catalog.

Click here for a PDF of the catalog.
Click here for a PDF of the order form.

Delivery: Orders will be available for pickup in mid-December.

Questions? Contact Tim Sewell,, 847-962-6884

Bonus! In addition to the 45%, you can also earn bonuses like Starbucks gift cards. Click here for more details! Have fun!

Fun Pasta

Complete instructions on how the fundraiser works can be found here.

Check out these YouTube videos for assistance:
How to set up the app: Click here.
Place app order: Click here.
Additional info: Click here.

For questions, please contact Laura Ashley:

Restaurant Fundraiser SAVE THE DATE!! 

Our next restaurant fundraiser is on
Wednesday, 12/5 – 4-8 p.m.
2341 Willow Rd. location only!! 
(by Target)

code: H8BVMAX

Announcements Jazz Band Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 10/29/2023

Schedule for the Week:

Thursday, Nov. 2: Jazz Auditions, Sign up for time in band room
Saturday, Nov. 4: GBS Hosting ILMEA District 7 Festival

Director’s Notes!

Hello Band Families!

GBS is hosting the ILMEA District 7 Festival this Saturday, and we need more volunteers! Any time slot you can sign up for is greatly appreciated. Please help make the day run smoothly and give student musicians a memorable experience! Students can sign up here, and adults can sign up here. If you would like to donate beverages or baked goods, you can sign up for that here.

Jazz auditions are this Thursday! Music is available in the band room. Everyone in the band program is invited to sign up for an audition time in the band room! Jazz Band rehearsals will be held every Thursday, beginning November 9th from 4:30pm until 7:30pm.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

Noodles Fundraiser

Our next restaurant fundraiser is on
Wednesday, 11/1 – 4-8 p.m.
Old Orchard location only!! 
Code: Giving25

ILMEA at GBS is this week!

We need EVERY family’s participation to make the ILMEA event on 11/4 successful!! 
55 adult slots still open!!
19 student slots still open!!

We need baked goods!!
(homemade or store bought)
Short on time? Donate $ via Venmo.
Venmo: @GBSIL-Band2023, 4 digit code: 0850
(Please put “Bake Sale” in the notes)

Please check out the links below for all the details and to sign up!!

LMEA District 7 Festival
Saturday, November 4th

GBS is hosting the ILMEA District 7 Senior/Junior Festival in an all-day event. Over 1000 students/teachers/staff will be attending this event!!  We need many volunteers to help make the event successful.  Please take a look at the links below and sign up.  We are looking for both student and adult volunteers to help at the actual event, as well as donations of beverages & baked goods.
Student Sign-Up: Click here
Adult Sign-Up: Click here
Donate Beverages/Baked Goods: Click here

Student Fundraisers

Cheesecakes arrive on Tuesday, 11/7. 
We need help sorting orders from 1:45-3:30 p.m. in the band room. 
Click here to sign up!

DeliveryTuesday, 11/7 – pick up from band room 3:15-5:30 p.m.

  • Cheesecakes will arrive frozen & will be delivered to the band room on Tuesday, 11/7.  Orders must be picked up after school that day, no later than 5:30 p.m.

Questions?  Please contact:
Tim Heublein –

Fun Pasta

Complete instructions on how the fundraiser works can be found here.

Check out these YouTube videos for assistance:
How to set up the app: Click here.
Place app order: Click here.
Additional info: Click here.

For questions, please contact Laura Ashley:

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 10/8/2023

Schedule for the Week:

Monday, Oct. 9: No School, No Rehearsal
Thursday, Oct. 12: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45pm-9pm
Sunday, Oct. 15: Sandwich Competition, 10am rehearsal, 4:30pm performance, full itinerary here

Director’s Notes!

Hello Band Families!

Congratulations to the Marching Titans on a great performance at the Downers Grove Marching Band Competition! The band received third place in Class A! Our competitive season ends one week from today at the Sandwich MusicFest! Come cheer on the Marching Titans! Thank you to all the parents for making yesterday possible, and a special thank you goes out to our equipment crew who were on the field making sure our props stayed up in the wind!

Our last scheduled football game is this Friday! Come out to support the Marching Titans, who will be joined by the Attea Flyer Band and the Springman Wildcat Band for a special halftime performance!

All students who are renting a school instrument should bring their instruments in to get checked in at the band office this week. If you have a larger instrument at home, please see Mr. Boron to discuss an arrangement to take care of the check-in.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

Parent Social Event

Happy Hour at NorthBranch for Band Parents
October 13th 5-6:30pm
(Before the last home football game of the season!)

High top tables in the bar area will be reserved for GBS marching band parents. 
Half price appetizers until 6pm
Coors and Miller Draft beers $3  
Attendees order and pay for their own drinks/apps

Competition Help Needed!!

Sandwich MusicFest Competition
Sunday, 10/15

4 Chaperones
5 Equipment Crew Volunteers

Click here to sign up!!

Equipment Crew Call Time: 11:45 a.m.
Chaperone Call Time: 12:20 p.m.
GBS Performance Time: 4:30 p.m.
Arrive back at GBS: 8:00 p.m.

GBSIL Lou Malnati’s Fundraiser – 10/17**

On Tuesday, October 17th the delicious and generous Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria (3120 Glenview Rd) is donating back 20% of Takeout & Delivery orders to support a great cause — Glenbrook South Instrumental League!

On behalf of Glenbrook South Instrumental League you’re invited to join us and eat out, not only in support of the organization, but to show one of your Glenview restaurants some love too!

We ask that you RSVP here (even if you’re not completely sure) so Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria knows roughly how many orders to expect & so you have access to all the event details. We hope you can make it, and please feel free to forward this invitation to your friends and family. Thanks in advance for your support!

Band-O-Rama – Thursday, 10/19 – 7pm

Reminder!  Band-O-Rama will take place on Thursday, October 19th in the stadium.  Bring your family & friends to come support the band, watch the field show & recognize our seniors.

ILMEA District 7 Festival

Saturday, November 4th

GBS is hosting the ILMEA District 7 Senior/Junior Festival in an all-day event. Over 1000 students/teachers/staff will be attending this event!!  We need many volunteers to help make the event successful.  Please take a look at the links below and sign up.  We are looking for both student and adult volunteers to help at the actual event, as well as donations of beverages & baked goods.
Student Sign-Up: Click here
Adult Sign-Up: Click here
Donate Beverages/Baked Goods: Click here

Student Fundraisers

Gourmet’s Delight Cheesecake Fundraiser
Sale dates: 10/1-10/25

  • Brochures & order forms are available in the band room!
  • Order forms & payment are due no later than Wednesday, 10/25!!
  • Click here for a PDF of the brochure.
  • Click here for a PDF of the order form.


  • Payment is due at the time of ordering
  • Checks should be made out to GBS
  • If you receive cash, please keep it and make a check out to GBS

 Delivery:  Tuesday, 11/7 – pick up from band room 3:15-5:30 p.m.

  • Cheesecakes will arrive frozen & will be delivered to the band room on Tuesday, 11/7.  Orders must be picked up after school that day, no later than 5:30 p.m.

Questions?  Please contact:
Tim Heublein,, 847-650-0031

Our Winter Wonderland Brochures have arrived.  Look for them in the band room on Monday. 

Sales begin on Friday, October 6th and end on Wednesday, October 25th.  

Please use the paper brochures.  For your reference, here is a pdf of the brochure.

Questions? Please contact:
Laura Ashley,

Fun Pasta

Complete instructions on how the fundraiser works can be found here.

Check out these YouTube videos for assistance:
How to set up the app: Click here.
Place app order: Click here.
Additional info: Click here.

Questions? Please contact:
Laura Ashley, 773-454-6031,

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 10/1/2023

Schedule for the Week:

Monday, Oct. 2: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45pm-9pm
Thursday, Oct. 5: Junior High Band Day
Thursday, Oct. 5: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45pm-9pm
Saturday, Oct. 7: Downers Grove Contest, 8:30am call time, 3:30pm performance, Full itinerary here

Director’s Notes!

Hello Band Families!

I hope you all had a safe and happy Homecoming! The marching band had great performances at the pep rally, football game, and parade! This week is the Downers Grove Competition!

On Thursday, we will be welcoming future members of our band family to GBS for Junior High Band Day! More information will be shared during class this week. Please note that it is the same day as the Fall Sports Assembly, so please communicate with your teachers! The uniform for Junior High Band Day will be announced during class.

Thank you to everyone who applied for Band Student Council this year. Keep an eye out for committee assignments and an announcement about the first meeting!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

Competition Help Needed!!

Downers Grove South High School Competition
Saturday, 10/7

4 Chaperones
4 Equipment Crew Volunteers

Click here to sign up!!

Equipment Crew Call Time: 10:30 a.m.
Chaperone Call Time: 11:00 a.m.
Performance Time: 3:30 p.m.
Return to GBS: 9:30 p.m.

Sandwich MusicFest Competition Sunday, 10/15

8 Chaperones
7 Equipment Crew Volunteers

Call times TBD
 Click here to sign up!!

Student Fundraisers

Gourmet’s Delight Cheesecake Fundraiser
Sale dates: 10/1-10/25

  • Brochures & order forms are available in the band room!
  • Order forms & payment are due no later than Wednesday, 10/25!!
  • Click here for a PDF of the brochure.
  • Click here for a PDF of the order form.


  • Payment is due at the time of ordering
  • Checks should be made out to GBS
  • If you receive cash, please keep it and make a check out to GBS

 Delivery:  Tuesday, 11/7 – pick up from band room 3:15-5:30 p.m.

  • Cheesecakes will arrive frozen & will be delivered to the band room on Tuesday, 11/7.  Orders must be picked up after school that day, no later than 5:30 p.m.

Questions?  Please contact:
Tim Heublein –

Our Winter Wonderland Brochures have arrived.  Look for them in the band room on Monday. 

Sales begin on Friday, October 6th and end on Wednesday, October 25th.  

Please use the paper brochures.  For your reference, here is a pdf of the brochure.

Contact Laura Ashley at with any questions. 
Happy selling!

Fun Pasta

Complete instructions on how the fundraiser works can be found here.

Check out these YouTube videos for assistance:
How to set up the app: Click here.
Place app order: Click here.
Additional info: Click here.

For questions, please contact Laura Ashley:

Parents’ Social Event

Happy Hour at NorthBranch for Band Parents
October 13th 5-6:30pm
(Before the last home football game of the season!)

High top tables in the bar area will be reserved for GBS marching band parents. 
Half price appetizers until 6pm
Coors and Miller Draft beers $3  
Attendees order and pay for their own drinks/apps

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 9/24/2023

Schedule for the Week:

Monday, Sep. 25: No School, No Rehearsal
Thursday, Sep. 18: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45pm-9pm
Friday, Sep. 29: Homecoming Pep Rally and Football Game, 5:00pm rehearsal start
Saturday, Sep. 30: Homecoming Parade, 8:15am call time, Full itinerary here

Director’s Notes!

Hello Band Families!

Congratulations to the Marching Titans on a great performance this weekend at the Victor J. Andrew Marching Band Invitational! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make this performance possible! 

Happy Homecoming Week! As is our tradition, Friday after school, Marching Band members can come to the band room to decorate their instruments with Blue and Gold streamers for the game and parade! Rehearsal will start promptly at 5:00pm in full uniform so we can get to the pep rally on time. 

I hope you all have a safe and happy Homecoming! 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family!

Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

FOLLOW THE BAND ON INSTAGRAM! Search for “gbsbandprogram” and “gbs_color_guard” to see what’s happening in Band!

Homecoming 2023!!

We hope you will join us in cheering on the Marching Titans at this year’s Homecoming Football Game!!
Friday, 9/29 – 7:00 p.m. 
There will be a fireworks show at the conclusion of the game.

Chaperones Needed!!
Saturday, 9/30
Chaperone Call Time: 8:15 a.m.
Click here to sign up!!

Parade steps off at 10:00 a.m. at St. David’s, travels down Glenview Road, & ends at Jackman Park

Downers Grove South High School Competition – Saturday, 10/7

Chaperones & Equipment Crew
Help Needed!!

Click here to sign up!!

Parent Social Event 

Happy Hour at NorthBranch for Band Parents
October 13th 5-6:30pm
(Before the last home football game of the season!)

High-top tables in the bar area will be reserved for GBS marching band parents. Half-price appetizers until 6pm. Coors and Miller Draft beers $3. Attendees order and pay for their own drinks/apps.

Student Fundraising

Fun Pasta
Complete instructions on how the fundraiser works can be found here.

Check out these YouTube videos
for assistance:
How to set up the app: Click here.
Place app order: Click here.
Additional info: Click here.

For questions, please contact Laura Ashley: