Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 10/23/2022

Schedule for the Week

Monday: Pasta sorting & pick-up, 6:00-9:00 pm (240 North Branch Road)
Thursday: Jazz Band Rehearsal/Workshop, 4:30-7:30 pm
Friday or Saturday: Football Playoff Game, Time TBD
Friday: Band jacket orders due

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families! 

Thank you to everyone who attended Band-O-Rama for your support of our Marching Titans!  Another thank you to everyone who supported the band’s fundraiser at Panda Express this past Wednesday!

The football team is in the state playoffs! We will have a home game this week, either on Friday or Saturday. As soon as the day and time is announced, it will be communicated through e-blast and the marching band google classroom. 

This Thursday, we will be holding our first rehearsal/workshop for jazz band. We will be going though the jazz packet, which will be available this week. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Pasta Pick Up Party!

Our Pasta has arrived!! Pick up your pasta order between 6:00 and 9:00 pm on Monday at 240 North Branch Road. Let’s make it a party. There will be snacks and beverages. Come help sort orders, have some treats and take home your pasta. Questions, contact Laura Ashley at

Band Jackets, Order Now!

Wear your band pride! Jackets have a marching band patch on the back and are personalized with a name on the front. Jackets are $75, payment via Venmo or check. Orders will be accepted until October 28 and jackets should arrive 2-3 weeks after our order is placed. To order, please fill out the form here. For more details on sizing and ordering, see this flyer.

Holiday Bazaar

Save the date for our Holiday Bazaar benefiting GBSIL, Saturday, December 3 at GBS. If you know a craftsperson who might be interested in participating, contact us at for application information.

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 10/16/2022

Schedule for the Week:

Monday: No Marching Band Rehearsal
Wednesday: Panda Express Fundraiser
Wednesday: Band Student Council Meeting, 3:30pm
Thursday: Jazz Band Meeting, 4:15pm
Thursday: Drum Corps Informational Meeting, 4:45pm
Thursday: Band-O-Rama, 5:45pm for band members, 7:30pm performance
Friday: Football Game, 5:15pm rehearsal start

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families! 

Congratulations to the Marching Titans on a fantastic performance at the Sandwich MusicFest tonight! The band won best music, percussion, and drum majors, along with first place in class 2A! Congratulations on a wonderful season! We will be performing twice this week—first at Band-O-Rama on Thursday and then at the football game on Friday! We could not do any of this without the incredible support from all of our parent volunteers, so thank you to everyone who volunteered over the course of the season!

The football team has had a very successful season so far, and they have clinched a spot in the playoffs! In the event that GBS hosts a playoff game, the schedule will be communicated via eblast and google classroom as soon as information is available.

This Thursday, we will have an informational meeting about jazz band. All are invited to attend. Even if you don’t play a “jazz instrument,” if you want to play, we can find a spot for you! After the jazz band meeting, there will be an informational meeting for anyone who may be interested in auditioning for drum corps for the 2023 season. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Band-O-Rama: A Marching Band Celebration!

This Thursday, October 21 is the date for our marching band celebration. Parents, friends and family are invited to come to the stadium at 7:30pm. The evening will include senior recognition and a complete performance of this year’s marching band show, Home At Last! Grab some of the best seats in the stadium to see and hear our band students perform!

Cheesecake Orders Due 10/21 by 3:30pm

Order forms and payment (checks made out to GBS) are due this Friday, no later than 3:30pm. Please put them in an envelope marked with your name and “cheesecakes” and place in the band mailbox. Or, bring them to Laura Ashley at Band-O-Rama! Cheesecakes will be delivered to GBS on November 3. 

Panda Express Fundraiser on Wednesday

No need to cook dinner (or lunch). Get your meal at Panda Express between 10:30 AM and 9:00 PM on October 19. 20% of event sales will be donated to GBSIL. Use code 344253 when ordering online or show the flyer when you order in person. Click here for a downloadable version to share with family, friends, and neighbors

Band Jackets, Order Now!

Wear your band pride! Jackets have a marching band patch on the back and are personalized with a name on the front. Jackets are $75, payment via Venmo or check. Orders will be accepted until October 28 and jackets should arrive 2-3 weeks after our order is placed. To order, please fill out the form here.  For more details on sizing and ordering, see this flyer.

Pasta Party!

Pasta has been ordered. We will let you know when it arrives. Be on the lookout for details about a sorting party. As soon as the products arrive, Laura Ashley will be ready to host anyone willing to help sort … complete with treats (yes, she is willing to bribe you with treats to help sort our pasta order).

Holiday Bazaar

Save the date for our Holiday Bazaar benefiting GBSIL, Saturday, December 3 at GBS. If you know a craftsperson who might be interested in participating, contact us at for application information.

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 10/09/2022

Schedule for the Week:

Monday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm
Thursday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm
Friday: Football Game and Pep Rally, 4:45pm rehearsal start
Saturday: Homecoming Parade, 8:10am call time, 10:00am parade start
Sunday: Sandwich Competition, 9:30am call time, 4:00pm performance

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families! 

This is a busy week for the Marching Titans! We will be performing at the Homecoming pep rally, football game, and parade this weekend, along with completing our competition season on Sunday in Sandwich. Please click to see the itineraries for the parade and the Sandwich competition.

The football team has had a very successful season so far, and they have clinched a spot in the playoffs! In the event that GBS hosts a playoff game, the schedule will be communicated via eblast and google classroom as soon as information is available.

Have a happy and safe homecoming!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Fundraising Notes

Thanks for getting in those pasta orders! We will have details soon on sorting our group delivery and order pick up.

Don’t forget about cheesecakes! Order forms and payment (checks made out to GBS) are due by October 21. Cheesecakes will be delivered to GBS on November 3. Click the links to download copies of the brochure or order form. Look for hard copies outside the band room.

Save the date for our Holiday Bazaar benefiting GBSIL, Saturday, December 3 at GBS. If you know a craftsperson who might be interested in participating, contact us at for application information.

Fundraising questions? Please contact Laura Ashley at  

Calling all volunteers!

You’ll get to say “I’m with the band!”

Sign up to help with equipment or chaperone at the home games on 10/14 or 10/21

Sign up to chaperone at the homecoming parade on Saturday, 10/15.  chaperone:

Sign up to help with equipment or chaperone at the last competition at Sandwich HS on Sunday, 10/16

Band Jacket orders coming soon

We still have a few details to confirm with the supplier. Look for information soon on how to order a band jacket. Jackets should arrive about three weeks after our order is placed. 

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 9/18/2022

Schedule for the Week:

Monday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm
Thursday: Junior High Band Day, 8:00am call time
Thursday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families! 

Congratulations to the Marching Titans on a fantastic performance yesterday at the Chicagoland Marching Band Festival! You get better every day! Thank you to all of the volunteers for all your help in making the day run smoothly!

We will be welcoming middle school students to GBS on Thursday for Junior High Band Day! Call time is 8:00am in the band room. Winds and percussion, please wear your marching band polo. Color guard, please wear your blue guard shirts. Marching band members will be called out for the first two blocks of the day. 

Click the link to see the itinerary for the Prospect Competition (Oct. 1). Any changes to the itinerary will be communicated through eblast and google classroom. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Fundraising Updates

Our first student fundraisers are underway! 

Change in payment info:
If you have already collected checks made out to GBSIL, no worries, send those in. Going forward, checks should be made out to Glenbrook South High School.

Fun Pasta
Order forms are due October 7th, with delivery around October 15th (more details in October). 
*Students may earn between 35% and 50% of their sales, depending on the total of group sales (35% for <$2000, 40% for $2001-$5999, 50% for > $6000).
*Download the brochure or order form (or pick up copies outside the band room).

*Order forms are due October 21st, with delivery on November 3rd. 
*Students earn $8.50 per cheesecake
*Download the brochure or order form (or pick up copies outside the band room).

Also, GSO is currently selling insulated tumblers with the GSO logo. For information, see the GSO website at

Questions … contact Laura Ashley at or (773) 454-6031

Volunteers Needed for Prospect Competition 10/1

We need chaperones and equipment help for our next competition!

*Follow this link to the sign up for the Prospect Knight of Champions Marching Band Festival:

*We also have 3 more home games; you can volunteer for those here:

NYC Trip Info

In order to officially sign-up for the trip, please fill out this form by Friday, September 30th at 11pm. Your electronic signature at the end of the form is your official commitment to the trip. 

The first payment installment ($466) is due on Fri, Oct 7th and can be paid either online or through the bookstore at each school. The bookstore will not be taking payments until the week of October 3rd. We let you know once payments can be made. 

The trip packet is available here.

Announcements Marching Band

Rehearsal and Competition Schedule Updates

Hello Band Families!

Based on the student survey results, we will be holding rehearsal on Friday, September 16th, from 5:45pm-8:00pm. Please note that this rehearsal will end one hour earlier than our Monday/Thursday rehearsals.

Click the links to see itineraries for the Wheeling Competition (Sep. 17) and the Prospect Competition (Oct. 1). Any changes to the itinerary will be communicated through eblast and google classroom. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 9/4/22

Schedule for the Week:

Monday: No school, no rehearsal
Thursday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, Sep. 14: New York Trip Meeting, 6:00pm in the GBS East Cafeteria
Thursday, Sep. 15: Home Football Game, 5:15pm Warm-up
Friday, Sep. 16: Possible marching band rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pmSaturday, Saturday, Sep. 17: Wheeling Competition, Time TBD

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

Thank you to everyone who came to Parent Night in the Classroom and stopped by the band room! It was so nice to meet and see all of the people who help support our incredible students!

On Wednesday, September 14th at 6:00pm, there will be an informational meeting about the upcoming GSO/GBS Jazz Band trip to New York City. If you are interested in finding out more about what the trip will entail, please attend this meeting. There is no obligation to sign up if you do attend. 

Our next home football game is Thursday, September 15th. This is a departure from the typical Friday night game, but we will still be performing. The band will be in full uniform for this game. 

We are considering adding a marching band rehearsal on Friday, September 16th from 5:45-9:00pm. Students, please fill out this google form as soon possible so we can decide whether or not this rehearsal will happen. A decision will be announced no later than this Wednesday. 

Permission slips are available in the band room! Please return this permission slip as soon as possible. Every member of the marching band is required to turn in a permission slip (signed by a parent or guardian), before being allowed to board the bus. The first off-campus event is Saturday, September 17th at Wheeling High School. An itinerary for the day will be made available as soon as our performance time is finalized. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437


Cheesecakes and Fun Pasta
Fundraising for student travel accounts has begun! Check out the fundraising board in the band room for details and to pick up order forms and brochures.

  • Pasta order forms are due October 7th, with delivery around October 15th (more details in October). 
  • Cheesecake order forms are due October 21st, with delivery on November 3rd. 

Questions … contact Laura Ashley at or (773) 454-6031. Click here for detailed instructions.


Game Night Volunteers Needed
We rely on volunteers to help the band get ready for games, chaperone in the stands and move equipment for the show. Thanks to everyone who signed up for the first home game! There are four more home games on the schedule. Come support the band!
Follow this link to the sign up form:

Volunteer sign ups for competitions and parades will be available when we have more details about those events.

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 8/28/2022

Schedule for the Week:

Monday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm
Thursday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm

Upcoming Events:

Click here for the tentative schedule for the 2022/2023 GBS Marching Band season!

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

Congratulations to the Marching Titans on a great performance at the first football game of the season! You’ve worked incredibly hard, and you should be so proud of yourselves! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped the band have a great night! Your time, effort, and flexibility are greatly appreciated!

If you would like to submit a design to be considered for the “Home at Last” logo, please email it to Mr. Boron by 8:00am tomorrow, Monday, August 29. 

Permission slips are available in the band room! Please return this permission slip as soon as possible. Every member of the marching band is required to turn in a permission slip (signed by a parent or guardian), before being allowed to board the bus. The first off-campus event is Saturday, September 17 at Wheeling High School.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Game Night Volunteers Needed

We rely on volunteers to help the band get ready for games, chaperone in the stands and move equipment for the show. Thanks to everyone who signed up for the first home game! There are four more home games on the schedule. Come support the band!

Follow this link to the sign up form:

Volunteer sign ups for competitions and parades will be available when we have more details about those events.

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 8/21/2022

Schedule for the Week

Monday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm

Thursday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm

Friday: Football Game, 5:15pm warm-up. 7:00pm game

Upcoming Events

Click here for the tentative schedule for the 2022/2023 GBS Marching Band season!

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

I hope everyone had a great first week back at school, and I hope you’re looking forward to our first gameday this Friday! The uniform for the first game will be white band polo/blue color guard shirt, khaki shorts, white socks, and gym shoes. 

If you would like to submit a design to be considered for the “Home at Last” logo, please email it to Mr. Boron by 8:00am on Monday, August 29th. 

This week, every member of the marching band will receive a permission slip. Please return this permission slip as soon as possible. Our first off-campus event is the Wheeling competition on September 17th. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Football Game Volunteers Needed

We rely on volunteers to help the band get ready for games, chaperone in the stands and move equipment for the show. Please sign up to help at one, or more, of this year’s home games! Follow this link to the sign up form:
The first home game is this Friday!

Volunteer sign ups for competitions and parades will be available when we have more details about those events.

Announcements Marching Band

Saturday Sports Kickoff and Spirit Wear

Fall Sports Kickoff, Saturday 8/20

Call time is 8:30 AM for a 9:00 performance. The event should be done by 11:00, if not before. The uniform for this event is blue & gold!

Spirit Wear: Order Now!

The 2022 Spirit Wear shop is open. Place your order now through August 23. Items will be shipped to GBS. Order at

Fees Due 

If you have not yet paid your band fees, please submit them as soon as possible. Venmo GBSIL-Band (code 1551) or place a check in the band room mailbox. Please include your student’s name with the payment. Questions, contact Mary Frese,

Announcements Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 8/14/2022

Schedule for the Week

Monday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm

Tuesday: Sophomores, Juniors, & Seniors playing for orientation, 10:30am call time

Thursday: Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:45-9:00pm

Saturday: Fall Sports Kickoff, Time TBA

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

What a great band camp! Thank you to all the students and parents who helped make it a success and to all who came to our preview on Friday! We look forward to sharing the rest of the show with you!

We have two performances this week! The first one will be Tuesday. Sophomore, Junior, and Senior marching band students will be playing for orientation. Freshman band students should attend the regular orientation activities. On Saturday, the marching band will be performing at the Fall Sports Kickoff. Uniform and call time are TBA.

We will be starting our regular Monday/Thursday evening marching band rehearsals tomorrow. I look forward to seeing everyone as classes start on Wednesday!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437