Schedule for the Week
Monday: No School
Thursday: V-Show Pit Sight Reading Session, 3:30-4:15pm
Thursday: Jazz Band, 4:30-7:30pm
Friday: Pep Band, 6:00pm rehearsal, 7:00pm game
Upcoming Events
Jan. 19: Jazz Cafe and Silent Auction
Director’s Notes
Hello Band Families!
Happy New Year! I hope you’re having a great break! I’m looking forward to seeing you all and hearing about what you did with your time off!
This week, we will be reading through some pit music for the upcoming Variety Show. If you are thinking about participating in V-Show Pit, you are welcome to join us for the sight reading session. There is no obligation to join if you are at this session. If you are not able to join us, you will still be able to be in pit. Official rehearsals will start after finals. The schedule will be released later this week.
We are two rehearsals away from our first Jazz Band performance of the year on January 19th! Mark your calendars for a fun night of jazz and a silent auction!
Pep Band will be performing this Friday at the basketball game! The dress-up theme will be announced by drum majors this week!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437
Pep Band Schedule
Download the pep band schedule here.
Jazz Café and Silent Auction Jan. 19
Parents We Need Your Help!
The Silent Auction needs donations, including but not limited to: tickets to sports or cultural events around town, gift cards to local businesses, clothing, art, and/or travel or vacation home rentals— anything likely to draw bids at auction.
To be a part of this important fundraiser, please email specifying what you can donate for auction, the value of the donation, and your contact information. The donation deadline is January 9, 2023. Questions? Contact Julie Bretz at 414-870-6395, Laura Ashley at 773-454-6031, or email us at
Thanks for your consideration and support!