Announcements Jazz Band Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 1/29/2023

Schedule for the Week

Monday-Friday: V-Show Pit Rehearsal, 3:30-5:00pm
Tuesday: Pep Band, 6:00pm call, 7:00pm game
Thursday: Jazz Band, 4:30-7:30pm
Friday: Pep Band, 6:00pm call, 7:00pm game
Saturday: V-Show Pit Rehearsal, 1:00pm-6:00pm

The Indoor Percussion schedule is available here.
The full pep band schedule is available here

Upcoming Events

February 15-18: Variety Show–Wonderland

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

Congratulations to Andy Ko on his selection to and participation in this year’s ILMEA All-State Festival in Peoria, Illinois. Andy was selected for the Honors Band, and spent several days under the direction of Dr. Paula Crider from the University of Texas-Austin.

This week, we have two pep band performances! The Drum Majors will send out notifications for theme nights. We are also back with Jazz Band on Thursday this week!

The Variety Show pit will be meeting every day this week, including Saturday. We will be setting up the pit either Friday after rehearsal or Saturday prior to rehearsal. That determination will be made and communicated at rehearsal and through the V-Show Pit Google Classroom.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

V Show Tickets on Sale Now

Go to to purchase tickets for this year’s Variety Show: Wonderland! The show runs February 15-18. 

Photos wanted

Do you have photos of the winter concert or jazz bands you could share? We are always looking for images to update our website or include in the end of year slide show. Please send photos to or upload to this dropbox.

Announcements Jazz Band Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 1/22/2023

Schedule for the Week

Monday-Wednesday: V-Show Pit Rehearsal, 3:30-5:00pm
Wednesday: Incoming Athletics and Activities Night, 6:30-8:30
Thursday: No Jazz Rehearsal
Friday: Pep Band, 6:00pm call, 7:00pm game

The Indoor Percussion schedule is available here.
The full pep band schedule is available here

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

Congratulations to our Jazz Combo, Jazz Lab, and Jazz Ensemble on a great performance at Thursday’s Jazz Cafe! A special thank you to the parent volunteers who made it all happen and everyone who joined us for a great evening! The jazz bands will not be rehearsing this Thursday.

This Wednesday, we will be welcoming our incoming Titans at our Athletics and Activities Night. If you would like to volunteer to help bring new members into the band program, please see Mr. Boron. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Jazz Cafe and Silent Auction Thanks

The First Annual Jazz Cafe and Auction was a smashing success! Congratulations to the Jazz Lab, Jazz Combo, Jazz Ensemble and Maple School jazz band on their outstanding performances Thursday night. Who knew we could transform the cafeteria into a premier entertainment venue complete with tablecloths, candles, and snacks to munch on?  Laura Ashley and Julie Bretz tirelessly prepared, planned, and organized for countless hours and their efforts resulted in a fantastic event. Thank you also to the hospitality team—Amy Ciolek, Kelly Brown, and helpers—for creating a wonderfully tasty spread. Thanks to all who donated goods and services to the raffle and auction! What a wonderful selection for people to bid on and win. Finally, a huge thank you to all who showed up the day of the event to set up, help sell tickets, collect payments, and clean up. An event like this requires many volunteers and it was only able to happen because of the many willing parents who gave their time. An evening where we can enjoy a performance and raise money for the band programs is a winning combination! Well done all!!!

V Show Tickets on Sale Now

Go to to purchase tickets for this year’s Variety Show: Wonderland! The show runs February 15-18. 

Photos wanted

Do you have photos of the winter concert or jazz bands you could share? We are always looking for images to update our website or include in the end of year slide show. Please send photos to or upload to this dropbox.

Announcements Jazz Band Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 1/8/2023

Schedule for the Week

Thursday: V-Show cast meeting (more info below), 11:30-12:30
Thursday: Jazz Band, 4:30-7:30pm
Friday: North Shore Honor Band (select students only), 4:45pm call time in band room
Saturday: Indoor percussion rehearsal

Upcoming Events

Jan. 19: Jazz Cafe and Silent Auction

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

We have reached the final week of first semester! I wish everyone the best on all finals!

This Thursday, we will be meeting at the regular time for Jazz Band rehearsal since we have a performance on January 19th! The timeline for the 19th will be released this week once all logistics are finalized.

This Friday and Saturday, 15 students will be participating in the North Shore Honor Band, which is a two-day festival run with nine other schools in our area. These students will be working with guest conductors, meet student musicians from other schools, and play excellent repertoire!

Variety Show Pit rehearsals will begin after finals week. The sign-up form will be posted in each class’s Google Classroom. The full pit schedule can be found here. Anyone who will be participating in the pit must attend the cast meeting this Thursday.

The Indoor Percussion schedule is available here. There will be rehearsal this Saturday, January 14th.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Help Needed for Jazz Cafe and Silent Auction Jan. 19

Refreshments, Volunteers, Auction Items 
We are going to have a great evening of music, tasty treats and fundraising for our band programs, with your help!

If you would like to donate baked goods or snacks for this event, please follow this link to see what is needed and sign up:

Volunteer to help out with set up, clean up, or with refreshments, or the auction during the event. Please sign up here:

The Silent Auction could still use donations. If you have something likely to draw bids at auction, please email specifying what you can donate, the value of the donation, and your contact information.

Questions? Contact Julie Bretz at 414-870-6395, Laura Ashley at 773-454-6031, or email us at

Mark you calendars! Invite Your Family and Friends!

Pep Band Schedule

Download the pep band schedule here

Photos wanted

Do you have photos of the winter concert you could share? We are always looking for images to update our website or include in the end of year slide show. Please send photos to or upload to this dropbox.

Announcements Jazz Band Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 1/1/2023

Schedule for the Week

Monday: No School
Thursday: V-Show Pit Sight Reading Session, 3:30-4:15pm
Thursday: Jazz Band, 4:30-7:30pm
Friday: Pep Band, 6:00pm rehearsal, 7:00pm game

Upcoming Events

Jan. 19: Jazz Cafe and Silent Auction

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

Happy New Year! I hope you’re having a great break! I’m looking forward to seeing you all and hearing about what you did with your time off!

This week, we will be reading through some pit music for the upcoming Variety Show. If you are thinking about participating in V-Show Pit, you are welcome to join us for the sight reading session. There is no obligation to join if you are at this session. If you are not able to join us, you will still be able to be in pit. Official rehearsals will start after finals. The schedule will be released later this week. 

We are two rehearsals away from our first Jazz Band performance of the year on January 19th! Mark your calendars for a fun night of jazz and a silent auction!

Pep Band will be performing this Friday at the basketball game! The dress-up theme will be announced by drum majors this week!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Pep Band Schedule

Download the pep band schedule here

Jazz Café and Silent Auction Jan. 19

Parents We Need Your Help!
The Silent Auction needs donations, including but not limited to: tickets to sports or cultural events around town, gift cards to local businesses, clothing, art, and/or travel or vacation home rentals— anything likely to draw bids at auction.

To be a part of this important fundraiser, please email specifying what you can donate for auction, the value of the donation, and your contact information. The donation deadline is January 9, 2023. Questions? Contact Julie Bretz at 414-870-6395, Laura Ashley at 773-454-6031, or email us at

Thanks for your consideration and support!

Announcements Jazz Band Pep Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 12/13/2022

Tuesday: Pep Band, 5:20pm rehearsal, 6:20pm game
Wednesday: Symphonic Winds, Winter Assembly, block 4
Thursday: Jazz Band, 4:00-5:00pm
Thursday: Pep Band, 5:30pm rehearsal, 6:30pm game

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families!

The band had a great first showing at the basketball game on Friday! We look forward to performing at two games this week: Tuesday and Thursday. Due to the time of the Thursday game, we will meet for jazz from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. 

Symphonic Winds will be performing at the Winter Assembly this Wednesday. Students, please remember to bring whatever you need for concert dress. You will have time to change during the school day. If you are in GSO, you can wear your GSO polos for the Symphonic Winds performance.

I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing winter break! You have all worked very hard this year, so I hope you take some time to rest and recharge!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Pep Band Schedule

Download the pep band schedule here. You can also find it on our website’s calendar.

Jazz Cafe and Silent Auction Jan. 19

Parents We Need Your Help!
The Silent Auction needs donations, including but not limited to: tickets to sports or cultural events around town, gift cards to local businesses, clothing, art, and/or travel or vacation home rentals— anything likely to draw bids at auction.

To be a part of this important fundraiser, please email specifying what you can donate for auction, the value of the donation, and your contact information. The donation deadline is January 9, 2023. Questions? Contact Julie Bretz at 414-870-6395, Laura Ashley at 773-454-6031, or email us at

Thanks for your consideration and support!

Photos Wanted!

Did you get some great shots this marching band season or at the winter concert? Please share them for our end of year banquet slide show. Add photos to this dropbox file.
You can revisit last year’s slideshow here.


Holiday Bazaar

Come out and support the GBS music department and start your holiday shopping!

Saturday, December 3
10am – 5pm
Glenbrook South

There will be a wrapping station for any gifts you purchase, student musical performances, and many great items for sale from the following artists and vendors.

Listed by booth number:

1Alter Ego
6Rowan Collective
7Kari Lindholm-Johnson
8Goldie A. Pologee & the Three Bears, Joanie Becker Goldberg
9Vonna Contino Studios
10Buckle Up Girlfriend
11Mapping My Music
12Cake Craze
14Art of Being a Kid
15Joey & Hana Studio
16fiftyblue pottery
18The Dreamy Bean
19Lena Oh Studio
20Cindy Gitter Art
23Glenview Art League
25Megan Dunne
30Brian Kabat Photography
30Nancy K’s Niche
31Jaski Exotics
32Revamp Decor
33Kono & Co
34Debbie Steiner Glass Art
35Shanti Essence
36Designs by Pat
37Sunny Daze
38Christina M. Villa Studio
39Versailles Vintage
40The Furever Home Friends (Savy Media, LLC)
41Scratchy Eye Studio
43This Miss Bakes, LLC
44New To You Shop
46Gift Wrapping
49Baldwin Blades
49Message in A Milkweed
50Harry Kurtz Designs
Announcements Concert Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 11/27/2022

Schedule for the Week

Monday: Concert/Symphonic Band Rehearsal, 3:30-4:30pm
Monday: Symphonic Winds Rehearsal with Glenview Concert Band, 7:30-7:45pm
Wednesday: Noodles & Co. Fundraiser, 4:00-8:00pm
Friday: Titan Band Dress Rehearsal, 3:30-4:30pm
Friday: Concert/Symphonic Band Dress Rehearsal, 4:30-5:30pm
Saturday: Holiday Bazaar, 10:00am-5:00pm
Sunday: Winter Concert, 3:00pm (call times below)

Director’s Notes

Congratulations to the Marching Titans on a great performance at the Glenview Holiday Parade yesterday! What a great way to start the holiday season! Thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped make this performance happen!

The Holiday Bazaar Fundraiser is this Saturday! We will need small groups to sign up to perform and volunteer throughout the day! The sign-up sheet is posted in the band room on the auditorium doors.

Please join us for our Winter Concert on December 4th at 3:00pm in the Norman E. Watson Auditorium. All bands will be performing, and we will also be treated to a performance from the Glenview Concert Band. The concert will end with a combined piece performed by the Glenview Concert Band and Symphonic Winds. We hope you can join us! The call times are as follows- please be on stage, ready to warm up at the following times:

1:00pm- Symphonic Winds
1:40pm- Concert/Symphonic Band
2:10pm- Titan Band

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Volunteers Needed for Holiday Bazaar!

Please sign up for a shift here. We need everyone’s help to make this event a success! There are slots for set-up help on Friday 12/2 before the event and throughout the day on Saturday 12/3. 

Noodles Fundraiser Nov. 30

Mark your calendars, save the date, spread the word! Noodles for dinner on November 30th will support band programs at GBS. Order between 4:00 and 8:00pm in person or online (enter Giving25 under coupon code before checkout) and 25% of sales will benefit GBSIL. 

Wrapping Paper and Accessories Needed

We are accepting donations of wrapping paper, ribbons, bows and tape for our wrapping station at the Holiday Bazaar. There is a box in the band room or you can drop it off at Laura Ashley’s house at 240 N Branch Rd, Glenview.  

Holiday Bazaar

Dec. 3: Spread the Word!
Please invite your family, friends and neighbors! 

Announcements Jazz Band Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 11/13/2022

Schedule for the Week

Thursday: Jazz Band, 4:30-7:30pm
Friday: Band Student Council Meeting, 3:30-4:30pm

Upcoming Events
Nov. 26: Glenview Holiday Parade
Nov. 30: Noodles Fundraiser
Dec. 3: Holiday Bazaar
Dec. 4: Winter Band Concert

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families! 

Congratulations to Symphonic Winds on excellent performances last week at Springman and Attea! We got a lot of middle school students excited about being part of our band family!

The Holiday Bazaar Fundraiser is December 3rd! We will need small groups to sign up and volunteer throughout the day! Look for the sign-up sheet that will be posted this week! If you are looking for a group to perform with or want to brainstorm song ideas, please come see me!

Show shirts have arrived! Once they are organized, a post will go up on google classroom letting you know they are ready for pickup!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Volunteers Needed 12/3 & 11/26

Holiday Bazaar volunteers are essential! There are slots for set-up help on Friday before the event and throughout the day on Saturday. Please sign up for a shift here. We need everyone’s help to make this event a success!

We also need a few parents to chaperone the Holiday Parade. Sign up here.

Wrapping Paper and Accessories Needed

We are accepting donations of wrapping paper, ribbons, bows and tape for our wrapping station at the Holiday Bazaar.  There is a box in the band room or you can drop it off at Laura Ashley’s house at 240 N Branch Rd, Glenview.  

Noodles Fundraiser Nov. 30

Mark your calendars, save the date, spread the word! Noodles for dinner on November 30th will support band programs at GBS. Order between 4:00 and 8:00pm in person or online (enter Giving25 under coupon code before checkout) and 25% of sales will benefit GBSIL. 

Downloadable flyers are available here. Please share with friends, family and neighbors!

Holiday Bazaar Dec. 3

If you know an artist or craftsperson, invite them to participate! There are still spots available.  Download the vendor application here.

For a bit of holiday cheer from the past, check out the GBS Marching Band at the 2017 Glenview Holiday Parade:

Announcements Concert Band Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 11/06/2022

Schedule for the Week:

Monday: Symphonic Winds @ Springman and Attea
Tuesday: No School
Thursday: Symphonic Band & Symphonic Winds class photos
Thursday: Jazz Band, 4:30-7:30pm
Friday: No School

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families! 

Tomorrow, Symphonic Winds will be traveling to Springman and Attea to perform for our future Titans! Students, please remember to wear black shoes, black socks, black dress pants, and your GBS Band T-Shirt. If you have not turned in your permission, make sure to bring it with you. We will be meeting in the band room at 8:00am. 

We have more class photos this week! For all concert ensembles, please wear all black dress clothes. 

November 10th
Symphonic Band- During class
Symphonic Winds- During class

Unfortunately, the football team did not advance to the next round of playoffs. To all of the students, parent volunteers, and staff, thank you for all your hard work this marching season! You made it truly memorable!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Holiday Wrapping Party

We need materials for our Holiday Wrapping Party on December 5th. We are accepting scotch tape and all varieties of wrapping paper and bows. Please bring donations to the band room at GBS. Event details coming soon.

Noodles Fundraiser Nov. 30

1851 Tower Dr (in the Glen)

25% of qualifying sales will directly benefit the Glenbrook South Instrumental League

Holiday Bazaar Dec. 3

Glenbrook South Cafeteria
4000 West Lake Avenue
Suggested donation: $5 adult/$1 student

Handmade, artisan, vintage, repurposed, small batch gourmet and boutique!

Announcements Jazz Band Marching Band

GBS Band Weekly Update 10/30/2022

Schedule for the Week:

Thursday: Jazz Band Auditions
Thursday: Cheesecake pickup, 3:15-7:00
Friday: Club Photos (read below for times)

Director’s Notes

Hello Band Families! 

Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who volunteered at our playoff game on Friday! It was a great night, and the Titans are moving on to the next round!

Jazz Band Auditions are this week! If you are planning on auditioning, please sign up for a time. The sign-up sheet is posted on the band office door. If you need an audition packet, the jazz band google classroom code, or have any questions about the audition process, please see Mr. Boron.

We are also starting our club photos this week! For all concert ensembles and jazz band, please wear all black dress clothes. Marching Band will be wearing full uniforms except for shakos. The schedule is as follows:

November 4th
Concert Band- During class
Titan Band- During class
Jazz Band- 3:20pm
Marching Band- 3:25pm

November 10th
Symphonic Band- During class
Symphonic Winds- During class

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

One Band, One Family! Mr. Brian Boron, Band Director,, 847-486-4437

Cheesecake Pickup 11/3

Cheesecakes arrive at GBS on Thursday and must be picked up that day! Come to the band room after school, between 3:15 and 7:00pm to collect your order.

If you can help sort cheesecakes when they arrive Thursday afternoon, sign up here. Sign in at the front entrance between 1:45 and 2:00 and come to the band room.

Holiday Bazaar

Save the date for our Holiday Bazaar benefiting GBSIL, Saturday, December 3 at GBS. If you know a craftsperson who might be interested in participating, contact us at for application information.